Chapter One :Chapter 1


Alex kept her gaze on her history teacher, Mrs. Krump, even as she reached across the aisle. Her best friend, Charlie, placed a brownie in her hand, and her arm shot back under her desk.

"You coming over tonight after I get off work?" Charlie whispered. Alex didn't love her job at Twisters, but she would take it over Charlie's any day. He stayed after school and helped the maintenance guy. Basically, he did everything no one else wanted to do. The gross stuff.

"Sorry, I have to finish my applications," she whispered back as she snuck a bite of the brownie.

"On a Friday?"

"Deadlines are coming up," she said with a small shrug.

"But you'll be at breakfast in the morning, right?"

Alex looked at Charlie like he'd lost his mind. "Of course. I would never miss our Saturday morning French toast."

"Alexa," a nasally voice interrupted. "Have you heard a word I've said?"

Alex's head snapped up and she was startled to see the glowering face of Mrs. Krump inches from her nose. The teacher's breath smelled of garlic and grease and Alex had to breathe through her mouth until Mrs. Krump straightened back up.

"I heard some of it," Alex said, quickly swallowing the piece of brownie. When she saw Mrs. Krump's eyes narrow, she sputtered, "Okay, maybe not much. But it isn't my fault. Did you know that after eating too much, your hearing isn't as sharp? I haven't been able to find out why that is. Regardless, maybe classes shouldn't be scheduled for at least an hour after lunch."

Out of the corner of her eye, Alex noticed Charlie give a slight shake of his head, and she immediately clamped her mouth shut, silently cursing her inability to think under pressure. She always tended to spew random medical facts when she was nervous.

Alex attempted her best smile, complete with wide, innocent eyes, but she knew it wouldn't work. It never did. Her innocent face was more of a half—grimace and half—smile kind of face. Like if she had just broken her arm but didn't want to admit it hurt.

"This isn't medical school, Dr. Parker, as much as you wish it was," Mrs. Krump said. She turned to face the class, and Alex slumped down in her chair, relieved she had gotten off easy. But then Mrs. Krump cast her one last long look and said, "Maybe you can figure out what your stomach has to do with your ears while you are in detention this afternoon."

Alex's heart plummeted and she avoided Charlie's sympathetic gaze.

"I can't have detention," she said, panicked. Her last one had only been a couple of weeks before, and she had been told that if she had any more, they would go on her permanent school record.

"Yes, you can," Mrs. Krump said, her eyes narrowing. "Even two or three, if it will help you."

Oh no, Mrs. Krump thought that Alex was arguing with her. Which she kind of was. But not because Alex was trying to be oppositional; she was just trying to keep her future intact.

"No, one detention will be fine," Alex said quietly.

Mrs. Krump's face softened for a fraction of a second, and she said, "This won't affect your GPA or anything." Her features hardened again. "But it will help you to pay better attention in class." She walked away and resumed her lecture.

It wasn't fair.

Other girls passed notes, did their makeup, flirted with Cameron Taylor—all from the front row!—and they never heard so much as a word from Mrs. Krump. Alex zoned out for two minutes and she was stuck in detention. Even if they didn't put it on her permanent record, she needed to complete her applications for early acceptance at the most prestigious pre—med programs in the country. She shouldn't have to waste her time in detention with nothing to do but count wads of gum stuck to the bottom of a desk.

Mrs. Krump droned on about the Revolutionary War like she hadn't just completely ruined Alex's day. Ugh. She didn't need to know any of this stuff. Why wouldn't the school just let her drop the class and take an extra biology class or something useful? She slid low in her seat just as her phone vibrated with a new text message.

Never fear, I'll think of something to get you out of detention.

Alex smiled and slid her phone back into her pocket. She appreciated the sentiment, but there were some things that even Charlie couldn't pull off.

What if she just didn't show up? Alex played with the idea, unsure what would happen. She had never tried it before. Maybe Mrs. Krump would forget about Alex's detention. It was possible.

It was another excruciating forty minutes before class finished and Alex bolted for the door.

"Alexa, I expect you to be in Miss Downy's classroom at three—fifteen," Mrs. Krump called after her.


Even though Mrs. Krump hadn't forgotten, maybe Alex could claim she had. After all, a lot could happen in the last two hours of school, and it wasn't completely farfetched that Alex could forget.

"I'd hate to have to make a note on your currently unblemished school record," Mrs. Krump finished.

So much for that. It looked like Alex would have to squeeze in time over the weekend to work on her applications.

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